Mechanical physical laboratory tests

The physical-mechanical laboratory can be ideally divided into three parts:

  • identification tests and characterization of raw materials and manufactured goods;
  • determining evidence of a physical-mechanical property data;
  • tests on EPS.

The identification and characterization tests are:

  • DSC (differential scanning calorimetry): is used to determine the melting point of a material and therefore allows its identification.
  • FT-IR (infrared spectroscopy): this machine returns, irradiating the sample with infrared light, a graph where each peak is representative of a given type of bonding within the material thus allowing the identification.
  • TGA: an analysis is quantitative and gives us an idea of the percentages of components (plasticizers, polymer, water, carbon black, calcium carbonate and ash) for a given sample.
  • RAMAN: as the FT-IR, returns through a spectrum of the sample radiation although it is done using a laser with a wave length in the visible or NIR. This machine also allows, being coupled to a microscope, the identification of layers of different materials within the sample, determining thicknesses and nature.

Determining evidence of a mechanical physical property data:

  • MFI: you put the sample in a cylinder where it is melted, compacted and a certain weight is applied. Melted material, escaping from a nozzle with a given speed, allows the machine to calculate the values of MVR (melt volume rate) and MFR (Melt Flow Rate) that are indices of the material’s fluidity.
  • DISPERSION AND BREAKDOWN: is carried out to define, by comparing what is seen under the microscope with the reference images, as are distributed within the sample masterbatch or the carbon black.
  • RIGIDITY AND FLEXIBILITY ANNULAR: is carried out to determine the resistance of a pipe to deformation of 3%, and any resistance to deformation and breakage problems up to 30%.
  • STRENGTH OF FILM TO FREE FALL OF DART: determining the impact resistance of plastic films making you fall on a dart of a given weight in free fall. The test is repeated at least 20 times and varying the weight of the dart according to the breakage or less of the previous film.
  • COEFFICIENT OF FRICTION: by sliding a sample on another of the same or different nature it determine the coefficient of static and dynamic friction

Tests of EPS:

  • COMPRESSION TO 10%: is the test that identifies the class of the slabs in EPS.
  • DIMENSIONAL STABILITY STANDARD CONDITIONS (the sample is maintained for 28 days at 23 ° C and 50% relative humidity).
  • DIMENSIONAL STABILITY IN SPECIFIC CONDITIONS (in general maintains the sample at 23 ° C and relative humidity at 90% for 48h although they are also possible other conditions).
  • THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY: the sample is placed between two plates having a delta (difference) of temperature of at least 20 ° C and measuring the heat flow by determining conductivity and thermal resistance of the sample. This test is also applicable to other materials in addition to the EPS.
  • DETERMINATION OF LENGTH, WIDTH, THICKNESS, SQUARENESS AND FLATNESS: no evidence that in general are made of plate sizes of 1000 X 500 mm for adherence to the manufacturer.

List of accredited tests.